Parent/Guardian Accounts
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Horizon Education offers Parent/Guardian accounts that are linked to enrolled students. Parent/Guardian accounts can be setup via Manual Creation or Clever/ClassLink roster syncs.
School Admins can upload a list of parents/guardians via the Student list within the User tab in the School Admin section. Admins will see a Import Parent List button, in which a upload template to download is provided, which requires:
Student First Name
Student Last Name
Student ID
Student Email
Parent First Name
Parent Last Name
Parent Email
If your school uses Clever or ClassLink to roster students, Parent/Guardian accounts are automatically synced to each student in Horizon, as long as they are linked in Clever or ClassLink via your SIS provider.
Once accounts are created via either method, parents/guardians DO NOT automatically receive an activation email.
In order for Parents/Guardians to activate their accounts and set up a password, they need to visit:
It is the school’s responsibility to share this link with Parents/Guardians after accounts have been created, which is why Horizon does not send out activation emails automatically.
After creating a password, the Parent/Guardian can login on the main login page, and after logging in they will be prompted with a screen to select which student to view. Parents/Guardians have access to all students they have been synced to.
After selecting the student, the user will only have access to view score reports for completed assessments from that student, along with navigation to go back to the list of students they can select.
Within the student profile popup that is accessible to Teachers and School Admins, a new Parents/Guardians tab has been added that will show all Parents/Guardians that have been sycned to that particular student and allows a user to edit the account information or delete the account.